Praise God from Whom all blessings come. It seems as though 2018 had just begun, yet we find ourselves at the beginning of 2019. 2018 was one of the most blessed years in our history. A summary of the year includes two trips to Ukraine and one to Haiti. Each of these trips accomplished much. In February, Elders Sam Bennett, Walt DeLoach, David Summerford and I traveled to Haiti for a pastors’ conference. There were 45-50 ministers present the three days we met at Grand Guave. The theme of the conference was “TULIP”. We gave presentations on the basic doctrines of Grace summed up in this acrostic “TULIP”: Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible grace and Perseverance of the Saints. Most of these pastors had not heard of or knew very little about these doctrines. There was much discussion after each session and many vital questions were answered. At the end of the meeting they asked us to come back again for further study together. Perhaps in the future we will be able to return. In May Brother Cliff Proctor and I spent two weeks in Ukraine. While there, we traveled across the country visiting pastors and churches DMI supported during the year. We also visited two new ministries involved in outreach to children. Two families in two different villages are ministering through the week to the children in their communities. Most of these children have had very little contact with other Christians and are being introduced to the love of Christ through the scriptures and through the personal love shown to them by these couples. Our worship on Sunday was with Pastor Max and a congregation made up of people from five rehab centers for drug addicts and alcoholics. These men and women, in these separate centers, reside in their respective centers during the week. They meet together for worship on Sunday in a city auditorium. There were about 150-200 present. One of the highlights of this 2.5 hour worship was our celebration together of the Lord’s Supper. How beautiful it was to celebrate this Ordinance with these believers! Brother Cliff and I also visited the construction site of a new house of worship. The land was donated by one of the members of the congregation, DMI furnished the funds for construction and the men of the congregation did the construction work. Final touches were being made on the building making it ready for the first service, which we held on our last trip of the year in October. October arrived and Elders Craig DeLoach, Dean Robbins and I made our final trip to Ukraine for the year. This trip took us to southern Ukraine for a church leader’s conference. There are so many different ministries being carried on through as many different churches. These ministries include rehab centers, ministry to orphans, ministry to children through daycare centers, ministry to the elderly and ministry to the homeless. Through the past 25 years, we have seen so much progress and aid given to people in Ukraine. There is such a heart to help those in need. Assistance is not “handouts” as we see so prevalent in the States. The assistance is centered on the love of Christ being shown and taught through deeds of kindness and through the ministry of the word of God. These ministry leaders and pastors sometimes feel like they are making little or no progress. Opposition arises and they seem to see no fruit being born for their labors. Thus, they become discouraged. Our ministry, during this conference, was to encourage and remind them that God is with them and will strengthen them and bring them through the tough times. As we begin a new year, we first want to thank God for His leadership in the ministry of DMI during the past year. He has continued to open doors for service for 25 years. Secondly, we want to thank you for your prayers, participation and financial support of DMI. Without your financial contributions, we would not be able to do what we do. Our budget for 2018 was met and exceeded our anticipated needs. We received over $125,000. All of this went to support three pastors, aid a shelter for teen girls, build a sanctuary and help many poor families with winter help such as electricity, food and heating. Our budget for 2019 is $100,000. This is based on the average yearly income for the past five years. Below is the breakdown of our proposed support in Ukraine. There are 38 different projects Light of Resurrection is sponsoring. Support comes from the local churches, local business men, DMI and two other western organizations. These contributions aid churches, pastors, needy families, homeless, and children. With the support of DMI these pastors below are able to assist thousands of people in need. Sasha Malov (mission director)* - $36,000 Pastor Maxime (rehab centers) - $6,000 Pastor Vaciliy (retired- MS) - $6,000 Pastor Gennadiy (aid to soldiers) - $12,000 Pastor Eugene (unchurched youth) - $6,000 **New Van for ministry - $25,000 TOTAL - $100,000 *DMI provides full salary for Sasha Malov for the year. This amount includes his travel expenses each month. Sasha travels over 1,000 miles a week, sometimes nearly 2,000 as he visits the various ministries to see how they are doing and to encourage and strengthen them. **The new van is necessary for Sasha’s travels each week. There was a new ministry which started this past year and they need a van to carry on their work. He gave them his van and has been using his own personal car for travel. A van is so necessary for him as he carries supplies to the refugees and winter help to the poor. Please be in prayer that God will provide the needed funds for these ministries. It is amazing what God is doing in the lives of so many people in this one country alone. As we come to the end of the year you may be considering making financial contributions to different ministries. Please remember DMI in your planning. May God bless you today and always, Elder Pat McCoy If you are interested in helping DMI support any of these ministries please contact us. Send your contribution to: DMI P.O. Box 69 Culloden, GA 31016 OR |
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September 2024